

Secure Jobs, Better Pay reforms

The Government’s ‘Secure Jobs, Better Pay’ legislation passed Parliament on 2 December 2022. We explore the issues. The Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 2022 passed Parliament on 2 December 2020.…
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Extension to domestic violence leave

Employees in Australia will soon have access to paid family and domestic violence leave. Business owners and employers should be aware of these changes as the paid family and domestic violence leave means you will have to pay up to 10 days of…

What are the differences between wages, salary, commission, and bonuses?

There are a few different methods that employers use to pay their employees, and while they may have similarities, they each also have their own implications for your business and its employees. On top of that, there may be a blended model…

How do I manage payroll effectively?

Payroll is one of those things that starts out simply enough. You start your business, hire a few employees, and things tick along pretty well. It’s straightforward enough to keep everything in line at first, but what happens to most companies…
stapled super

What is a Stapled Super Fund?

  There's a change to superannuation that means to comply with 'choice of fund' rules you might need to do something extra when a new employee starts to work for you. Previously, if a new employee doesn't choose their own super…

3 ways to motivate workers

The question of motivating employees is often on a business owner’s mind. It can be difficult to find ways to genuinely motivate employees at work, and often the old standards—performance-based bonuses, increased rewards and commissions—only…