
Your SMSF: when expenses and investments are not at arm’s-length
We often get questions from clients about what they can and cannot do in their SMSF.
Often the questions relate to related party transactions – that is, interactions between the SMSF, its assets, and its members (or relatives of members).…

SMSF member limit to rise
While it’s not yet in force, the limit on SMSF member numbers is set to increase from the current four to six members later this year.
For some Self Managed Super Funds (SMSFs), this will be a welcome change and will mean additional…

Preparing to sell your business
Business owners, I'm talking to you.
Whether you love your business or not, you may not plan on working in it forever. Be it you want to keep working for a long time, you are coming up to retirement age soon, or you simply want to have a…