Keeping up with all your business’ BAS due dates gets complicated fast. PAYG, Payroll tax, BAS, superannuation… and dog’s breakfast. Keep scrolling to untangle the chaos with our due date calendar, structured and clear so you know what to expect every month, every quarter, and every financial year.
Dates summarised
BAS deadlines
A BAS is named after the last month in a quarter.
If you’re lodging through an accountant, the due date will be different than if you lodge on your own, like so:
Quarter 1 = September BAS (July, August, September)
Due 28th October if you lodge yourself (extended until 25th November with a tax agent).
Quarter 2 = December BAS (October, November, December)
Due 28th February (everyone gets an extension on this one!)
Quarter 3 = March BAS (January, February, March)
Due 28th April if you lodge yourself (extended until 26th May with a tax agent).
Quarter 4 = June BAS (April, May, June)
Due 28th July if you lodge yourself (extended until 25th August with a tax agent).
Super deadlines
Employee Superannuation is also paid in quarters, and is very important that it’s on time. (Read here what happens if it isn’t.)
Due dates will always be on the 28th of the month after the quarter is finished.
Quarter 1 (July, August, September)
Due 28th October (to ensure deadline is met, please put through Xero batches by 15th October).
Quarter 2 (October, November, December)
Due 28th January (to ensure deadline is met, please put through Xero batches by 15th January).
Quarter 3 (January, February, March)
Due 28th April (to ensure deadline is met, please put through Xero batches by 15th April).
Quarter 4 (April, May, June)
Due 28th July (to ensure deadline is met, please put through Xero batches by 15th July 2023).
Additional super: If you’d also like to get a deduction prior to June 30, you could pay super in June. If you’d like to do this please put through Xero batches by 15th June)
Download the Free due date PDF by signing up to our newsletter:
The download includes:
- A sleek dark design
- A printer-friendly light design (just as sleek)
- Designed to look legible when printed at A4 and A3 size!
- Additional fields at the bottom for you to put dates specific to your business