
Your company isn’t a bank account: loan to a business right
You're finally your own boss, and in its early days, the business needs upstart funds. Such as a loan to a business, to sustain it until it finds its own feet. But you can't move funding sources in and out like in a bank account, and the ATO…

Swerve out of car FBT record keeping roadblocks
31st of March every year marks the time to read the car odometer; not for the next visit to the mechanic, but for car FBT (Fringe Benefits Tax) reporting on your business' vehicles.
You’re providing a car and it’s your obligation to report…

Last minute Stage 3 Tax Cuts redesigned
Finally bringing down the knife: the Federal Government released a proposal to realign and redistribute personal income tax cuts legislation, to commence on 1 July 2024, for the 2025 financial return year.
[Edit 14th March 2024]: on the…

Can my SMSF invest in property development?
Australians love property. The lure of a 15% preferential tax rate on income during the accumulation phase, and potentially no tax during retirement, is enticing for SMSF trustees. It encourages them to pursue the dream of large returns…

House flipping tax incoming: a taxpayer claims a loss on her home
Flipping houses is a popular way, thanks to TV shows, for Australians looking for a profit renovating a property in order to sell it in the short term. But the reality is less glamorous: taxpayers may soon have to pay a house flipping tax…

A summary of all business tax changes this year
Employers & business
Superannuation guarantee increases to 11% from 10.5%
National and Award minimum wage increases take effect.
The minimum salary that must be paid to a sponsored employee - the Temporary Skilled Migration…

Why is my tax refund so small this year?
The tax refund many Australians expect has dramatically reduced. We show you why.
There is a psychology to tax refunds that successive Governments have been reticent to tamper with. As a nation, Australia relies heavily on personal and…

Small land subdivision makes for big tax costs
You’ve got a block of land that’s perfect for a subdivision. The details have all been worked out with Council, the builders, and the bank. But, one important aspect has been left out; the tax implications.
Many small-scale developers…

Rental Property Reporting Blitz
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has launched a full-on assault on rental property owners who incorrectly report income and expenses.
The ATO’s assessment, based on previous data matching programs, is that there is a tax gap of…

Tax obligations for online content creators
The explosion of OnlyFans, YouTubers, TikTokers and others all offer an opportunity for ‘content creators’ to profit from the audiences they generate. But now the Tax Office has given notice to the booming industry.
Back in October…

$3 million+ Super balance nest eggs will get their tax doubled
The Government has announced that from 2025‑26, the 15% concessional tax rate applied to future earnings for superannuation balances above $3 million will increase to 30%.
In a very quick turnaround from announcement to draft legislation,…

$20k Small Business Energy Incentive
In a pre-Budget announcement, the Government has committed to a Small Business Energy Incentive Scheme that offers a bonus tax deduction of up to $20,000.
The Small Business Energy Incentive encourages small and medium businesses with…

Instant Asset Write Offs (IAWO) capped to $20k again
From 1 July 2023 until 30 June 2024, the Government will change the instant asset write-off threshold to $20,000.
Previously, 'small' businesses under a turnover of $500 million, could immediately deduct assets acquired from 6 October 2020…

Slower asset write offs, some tweaks & changes to tax, and more money for ATO compliance!
Last year we had a double deal of government budgets, and without even coming full circle yet, it's time for this year's budget.
Businesses have limitations and compliance warnings to be aware of,…

Why your tax return will be $1500 worse this year
For the past couple of years, you may have gotten used to your tax either costing less than you remember, or your refund being more generous. More money for you to spend on necessities, or an extra treat for the holidays.
But that won't…

Risky trust distribution loopholes plugged
The ATO has released its final position on how it will apply some integrity rules dealing with trust distributions - changing the goal posts for trusts distributing to adult children, corporate beneficiaries, and entities with losses. As…

ChatGPT versus accountant: Showdown
It feels like AI truly are taking everything over. So, without exercising too much paranoia, we wanted to test the mettle of this latest innovation to take the world by storm, ChatGPT. Will it work with the Australian tax system, making…

What Work from Home deductions apply for me?
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has updated its approach to how you claim expenses for working from home.
The ATO has ‘refreshed’ the way you can claim deductions for the costs you incur when you work from home. From 1 July 2022…

FBT in 2023
2024 update: since these electric vehicle concessions were released, the ATO's been catching out business reporting incorrectly and hybrid electric vehicles have different rules. Head to our 2024 article for all the details.
Fringe benefits…

Do you pay taxes when selling a house that’s your home?
Everyone knows you don’t pay taxes when selling a house in which you live…right? We take a closer look at the main residence exemption that excludes your home from capital gains tax and the triggers that reduce or exclude that exemption.

What is the ATO looking for this tax time?
With tax season almost upon us the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has revealed its four areas of focus this tax season.
Work-related expenses
Rental property income and deductions, and
Capital gains from crypto…

Can I claim a tax deduction for my gym membership?
There are lots of reasons to keep fit but very few of them have to do with how we earn our income. As a result, a tax deduction for a gym membership isn’t available to most people.
And yes, the Tax Office has heard all the arguments before...

2021 Tax Preparations for Individuals
Tax time is here.
We have put together a list of Q&A's for how things will work this year, so you can get organised.
Covid is obviously throwing a spanner in to the works, but right now we are planning to do In-person appointments in our…

Am I taxed on an insurance payout?
Australia has had its fair share of disasters over the last few years – drought, bushfires and floods – that have ramped up the volume of insurance claims. Most people would assume that if and when they need to claim on their insurance,…

Reminder about your group certificate
As tax time for individuals comes closer, we’d like to remind you that most employers won’t be handing out what is commonly called a Group Certificate or also referred to as PAYG Payment summaries.
These are now known as Income statements…

December tax updates
Although individuals and small business owners are now enjoying welcome tax relief in the wake of some valuable tax changes, there is more on the horizon as the government seeks to reboot the Australian economy.
Here’s a quick roundup of…

Tax deductions for investing in your business
Stimulating investment is high on the Government’s agenda.
To encourage spending, the 2020-21 Budget introduced a measure that allows businesses with turnover under $5bn* to immediately deduct the cost of new depreciable assets and the…

ATO targets lifestyle assets
The ATO has requested insurance policy information from 30 insurers for lifestyle assets such as yachts, thoroughbred horses, and fine arts.
The review, expected to impact 350,000 taxpayers, reaches from the 2015-16 to 2019-20 financial…

Your car log book: what you need to prepare
Using your car for work purposes? Here's what you need to record depending on the method used, including your car log book, what you can claim and for how long.
If you're an employer, read our FBT guide and how to ease the process of…

Christmas is coming – avoid being stung by FBT
Don’t want to pay tax on Christmas? Here are our top tips to avoid giving the Australian Tax Office a bonus this festive season.

The small biz tax gap
Last month, the ATO released statistics showing small business is responsible for 12.5% ($11.1 billion) of the total estimated ‘tax gap’.
These new figures give visibility to tax compliance issues within the small business sector…

Travel for work – what can I claim?
This is a question that we get quite often. Everyone likes to hope that they can go overseas and claim it as a business expense. But can you?
The short answer is sometimes, yes. But often not the entire trip.
Firstly there needs to…

Weirdest tax deductions revealed
Would you claim the Lego you bought for your kids throughout the year as a tax deduction?
One taxpayer did and it made the Australian Taxation Office’s 2018-19 list of most unusual claims.
The Lego was not the only claim for money spent…

Own an investment property?
Get ready for tax time
Tax time has arrived, and we have put together some practical information to help rental property owners prepare and lodge your tax return this year.
There are helpful resources available for rental property…

1st July changes: what you need to know
As of 1st July 2019 there were some changes that came into affect. This includes:
Insurance inside Superannuation funds
We let you know the tax tip-offs from the ATO
Laundry expenses are going to be reviewed
Who owns the assets…

Tax from your couch 2019
Life is busy – we not only get it, but this year we are actually embracing it by making a way to do your tax without actually coming in.
This year we have introduced a new way of doing tax. From your couch. Yep you heard that right.

June tax tips
Throughout June we will be sharing some tax tips for businesses this coming tax time.
These will be short and sweet and we hope you will learn something for this upcoming tax season.
1. Working from home
If you don’t have a dedicated…

What are PAYG Instalments?
PAYG Instalments, something that alot of our clients get confused about.
Pay as you go instalments (PAYG) get issued by the ATO, and you get sent a welcome or adjusted letter.
But do you understand it? Shaun Farrugia explains all you need…

Phone tax appointment
We know you're busy, if you'd like to have your tax appointment by phone or Zoom that is easy to do. We explain what we need you to email through to us prior to your appointment.

Offset vs Redraw
Shaun Farrugia recently created this video to explain a question that was on a few of our clients lips.
Watch below to hear the difference between an offset and a redraw account on your home loan. This is a question we do get very often,…

What is debt recycling?
We all know that recycling is great for the environment. But debt recycling? Well, if done right, that could be great for your own little patch of planet earth.
There are three things that many Aussie property owners wish they could do:…

Don’t blow it. Make the most of your tax refund
Most Australians receive a tax refund, but not all spend it wisely. Here’s how to make the most of your tax windfall – and not blow it all in Bali.
It's now October, and we have already lodged most of our clients individual tax returns.…

What makes your debt tax deductible?
There are two kinds of debt in this world: the kind that is tax deductible and the kind that isn’t.
Knowing the difference, and planning your purchases accordingly, can significantly improve your cashflow, opportunities and overall…

Could you benefit from salary sacrificing?
Keen for a new laptop, car, or even an airport lounge membership? Sick of putting your hand in your pocket for school fees, the rent or your mortgage? All of these things could be paid for through a salary sacrifice arrangement.

Budget wrap-up 2018
Tuesday night Scott Morrisson handed down what can be best described as an pre-election Budget and in our opinion a very tax centric budget.
No major announcements of increases or decreases in service spend and It is still expected that…

Do you know what you can and can’t claim?
Taxpayers are being put on notice by the ATO, which will be paying close attention to claims for ‘other work-related expenses’ this year.
Ensuring you have appropriate records, and sound advice, will be more important than ever for…

Four business hurdles that trip up first timers
Whether you’re keen to start monetizing a passion project, or want to finally escape office politics and run your own show, here are four issues that regularly trip up new business owners.
Starting your own business is an exciting time.…

Improve your finances one month at a time with this 2018 to-do list
It’s easy to get overwhelmed with a long list of tasks, so we’ve simplified things for you. Just tackle one job on this list each month and you’ll make a huge difference to your finances in 2018.
January: Create a monthly family budget…

Dissecting the PM’s Tax cut teaser
You may have heard the PM drop a big hint earlier this week that tax cuts are coming for middle-income Aussie families. However it was all very light on detail, so here’s what to make of it.
In case you missed it, here’s the tidbit…

Individual Tax Deductions Checklist
Can you believe it's tax time again already?
As we aren't holding in person tax return appointments this year, all information will be collected using our Tax From Your Couch.
If you'd like to gather your information in a spreadsheet prior…

2017 Budget wrap-up
We have put together a summary of the key tax and financial changes that were announced in last night’s federal budget.
This was Scott Morrison's 2nd budget and is focused on increased transport infrastructure spending which will support…

Your 2 minute guide to the tax and super changes that affect you and your business.
Below is a summary of the key tax and superannuation changes that were announced in this years federal budget.
There are some wins for business – aimed to stimulate ‘Jobs & Growth’ which was this year's slogan.
There are plenty…